How to apply my tattoo

These are the quick and easy steps of applying your temporary tattoo

  1. Clean and dry your skin
  2. Cut out the design of your choice and remove the transparent film.
  3. Place the tattoo face down on your skin.
  4. Wet the back of the tattoo thoroughly with a damp cloth or sponge, and press firmly for 15-30 seconds.
  5. Gently peel off the back paper and allow the tattoo to dry.
  6. Prevent contact as long as possible to get the best results. If this is not possible, wrap some see-through foil around the area, so the ink won't stain other parts of your skin when you're for example sleeping.

When the temporary tattoo develops within 24 hours and lasts up to 15 days, it is important to note that the quality depends on the aftercare, just like a real tattoo. In the case of temporary tattoos, you may place some foil or tape on the tattoo after the first few hours to get the best results possible!